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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Zombies, Cakes and Pies! OH MY!!

Wow it really has been a while since I've blogged!! My goal for this year, is to to blog a bit more about my cake adventures. To start I would like to wish you all a belated Happy New Year!!! Now, on with the show.
Since I last left you, we were vendors at the Zombie Walk in Asbury Park, NJ. Which I'm happy to report broke the Guinness World Book of Records for most Zombies! I was very excited to be a part of that day! You can read more about it in my previous blog. Anyway, November and December kind of flew by for me, not only because it was the holidays, but because this was my first year offering holiday sweets. I wanted to flex my pastry muscles a little and offer sweet treat deals for the holidays! For Thanksgiving we offered pies, cake pops, cakes, and cookies.
I was a little nervous at first because it's been a while since I baked more than cakes. It was awesome! I love working with my hands to create to best treats imaginable. I couldn't have made it through Thanksgiving with out my awesome assistant Danny! He spent his time making cake pops, I think he might have went to bed dreaming of cake pops ;P
For Christmas I wanted to add a different flavor to the mix of cakes, so I added the eggnog cake. It was pretty good! Although, I did tell people that they may have wanted to conduct breathalyzers on anyone who ate the cake! HELLOOO RUM! We also offered the classic Buche De Noel or Yule Log, a yellow sponge cake with chocolate ganache. YUM!

During the holidays a good friend of mine got married. As part of their gift I offered to make the Grooms Cake. The Groom was a avid fan of Manchester United. So I modeled the cake after the Old Trafford Stadium with the teams logo in the center. The cake was meant to be a surprise for the groom, so it was to MY surprise when I walked into the hotel to deliver the cake that the Groom and his grooms men were standing in the hall taking pictures!! I didn't want to ruin the surprise! I had to quickly cut up the hallway, while trying not to drop the cake and walk if not jog to the front desk to find the location of the reception! After I dropped the cake off, I knew I was going to run into everyone again and I just kept thinking "Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact!" Then I thought wait, they may not remember me, so I didn't ruin the surprise after all :)

I feel like I'm telling you about my summer vacation, except it's not summer and it's not a vacation. I'm hoping you get the point!!

Also, I really want to thank all of my supporters and repeat customers out there! You guys rock! You give me the opportunity to experiment and try different techniques! I love it!

This past year has been crazy, and I loved every second of it! I'm not gonna say that everything came up roses all the time. There were days where I thought maybe I'm not good enough to do this. Then I think, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? LOOK AT WHAT YOU JUST CREATED!! I guess it comes with the territory...

So until next time my fellow Vivacious Cakers (Which won't be 3 months!) I bid you adieu!